GREEN SCREEN—Thursday, June, 24th 2010
A free environmental film from the Oxford I.C.C.W.G.

Green Screen presents films about the science, art, politics and spirituality of the natural environment. Presented FREE at 7:00p.m. at the Oxford Community Arts Center.

THURSDAY, JUNE, 24th 7p.m.

All over the world, at the same time, with the same bizarre behaviors bees simply leave their precious honey and young behind. They don’t come home. This movie gets to the truth about why the honey bees of the world are in big trouble, and why our food supply is in trouble with them. Filmed on 3 continents to find out the reason bees are in catastrophic decline – and why many people don’t want the real story to be told. With the continuing bee collapse one third of our food supply is at risk – despite the clear-cut scientific data news reports continue to call the phenomenon “mysterious.” We think this crisis is not mysterious. Nicotine Bees is ready to show what has happened.

53 min.