Vendor Application
Vendor Application: Farmer (PDF)
Vendor Application: Bakers/Food Providers (PDF)
Vendor Application: Community Organization (PDF)
Vendor Application: Artisans (PDF)
Vendor Application: Musicians (PDF)
Are you interested in becoming a vendor at the Oxford Farmers Market Uptown? Email the completed application to:
If you have questions, send us an email or contact Madison Wetzel, Market Manager, at 513-907-1881.
We hope to see you Uptown at the Market.
Ohio Harvest Calendar
How do grocery stores sell tomatoes in January? They ship them thousands of miles from a warmer part of the globe. At the Oxford Farmer’s Market, all our produce is fresh and local, which means in season. We don’t sell January tomatoes or August asparagus, because even if our vendors could grow them then, they wouldn’t taste any good.
So what can you find at the market now? To see what fruits and vegetables are in season, click the attached file to download a printable growing calendar for the state.
And don’t forget: even if the item you’re looking for isn’t in season right now, we have many handcraft and prepared food vendors whose stalls stay stocked year round.
Friends of the Market
The Friends of the Market believe this market to be a vibrant, vital part of our community. Our mission is to support our farmers, bakers and artisans as they in turn build a healthy local food community. Please join us in supporting the Oxford Farmers Market Uptown today!
For more information about the Friends of the Market, download the brochure attached below.
Friends of the Market
If you would like to subscribe to the Friends of the Market e-mail list, send a message to: