Can Pesticides on Food Lead to ADHD?
Posted By JoWehage : Head Operations Ego On May 20, 2010 @ 5:30 am In All Articles, Featured,
Food & Nutrition, Health & Wellness | 1 Comment
Just when I thought I’d shift my focus from organic and conventional produce a new study in the
Journal Pediatrics associates exposure to pesticides and cases of ADHD (attentiondeficit/
hyperactivity disorder) in the U.S. and Canada. Once again my friends, my tried and true
blueberry may be an accomplice in horrendous acts.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the diagnosis of ADHD has risen 3%
each year since 1997. More and more research is suggesting ongoing chemical influence and
environmental elements (like video games and flashing images on the TV) may be factors in the
rise of attention problems.
For the most recent study University of Montreal and Harvard University researchers examined
the level of pesticide residue in over a thousand children from ages 8 to 15. Those with the
highest levels of dialkyl phosphates (broken down byproducts of organophosphate pesticides)
had a 35% increased chance of developing ADHD with every tenfold increase in urinary
A striking effect was also seen at lower levels: kids who had any detectable, above-average level
of the most common pesticide metabolite in their urine were twice as likely as those with
undetectable levels to record ADHD symptoms.
The study, led by Maryse Bourchard, is the first to focus on organophosphate pesticides as a
contributor to ADHD. Organophosphates are known to cause damage to the nerve connections in
the brain, which is exactly how they kill agricultural pests.
While researches acknowledge it is easier to uncover an association between pesticides and
ADHD than a direct causal link the results clearly call for immediate further study.
Sadly for me, according to the U.S. Pesticide Residue Program report, organophosphates were
detected in 28% of frozen blueberries and in 19% of celery samples tested. How dangerous are
those levels to you and your kids? Do you want to wait to find out?
As the search for more answers and data continues Bourchard suggests that parents avoid using
bug sprays in the house and feeding kids organically grown fruits and vegetables.
I suggest you print out the Environmental Working Group’s wallet guide [1]mentioned in our 12
Most Toxic Fruits & Veggies [2]post for everyone you know. Sources there claim that you can
avoid 80% of pesticides by knowing the 12 most toxic produce items and either buying organic or
choosing another option.
If you’re in Cincinnati or surrounding areas you may want to take a look at our Produce Price
Comparison by Store [3]for updated data from our post, Where to Buy Your Produce [4].
In the meantime I’m working on more applications for avocados, pineapples and mangos, some
of the least contaminated produce options.
Article printed from Healthy Alter Ego : The Health & Wellness Source You’ve Been Searching For:
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URLs in this post:
[1] wallet guide :
[2] 12 Most Toxic Fruits & Veggies :
[3] Produce Price Comparison by Store :
[4] Where to Buy Your Produce: