Brogan Bayne May 2018 at the Oxford Farmers Market
7 Wonders Farm on facebook
contact: 7wondersfarm@gmail.com – 513-314-6483
Years ago, my husband wanted a few chickens in our suburban backyard. I told him to wait, we needed to research housing and the local laws. A few days later, he showed up with 4 chickens! I scrambled to throw something together for them to sleep in that night.
Over the past few years, we’ve had more chickens (layers and meat), turkeys (heritage and broad breasted), quail, pheasants, chukar, rabbits, guinea hens, and ducks. All of which were started in our small suburban lot. Some were moved to another location when they got older.
We’ve been looking for a farm since early 2016 and we found it mid-2017. We now have 20 acres to grow on. So far, we’ve planted 25 fruit trees, tons of strawberry plugs, 6 blueberry bushes, and numerous grape, blackberry, and raspberry vines. We had a large garden tilled and put in our garlic. We’ve planted over 400 shade and nut trees. Soon, we’ll be putting in additional fencing and bringing in the animals. We plan on pasture raising pigs, sheep, goats, turkeys, and chickens.
Keep us in mind for your meat and produce needs!